Critically Acclaimed and Award Winning Author of Romantic Fiction in Multiple Genres
Gail R. Delaney
Professional Editing Services
I am an editing professional with 17+ years of experience, beginning as an apprentice line editor. I progressed to acquisitions, executive editor managing a small team, and then 10 years as Editor-in-Chief for a small press where I oversaw 100+ authors, a team of line, content, and proofreading professionals, and managed the release of over 600 manuscripts.
I understand how to edit your craft without changing your voice, and what elements pertain to each. I am a tough editor, so be warned! :-) I am a strong proponent of POV maintenance (no head hopping), active voice, and the Oxford comma (see what I did there?). That is "fat" (you don't need the word nearly as much as you think you do)! Do or do not, there is no "began to."
While I offer more than one type of editing service, it is my strong opinion that a manuscript should have different "eyes" on it for the best final outcome.
Meaning if you contract me to be your content editor, I would not also go under contract as a line editor or proofreader for you. The only exception would be if I did content/developmental editing I would be willing to proofread since there would be a line edit between and the text would be fundamentally different.
Please note: If I receive a file for either line or proofing, and I don't feel the book is ready for that level of editing, I will advice you as such and we can discuss moving forward. Meaning if I receive a book for line editing, but I believe the book is in need of developmental edits or is not ready for line editing, I will let you know. Likewise, if I receive a file for proofreading and it is not final stage ready, I will also let you know.
This doesn't tend to be typical, but I will let you know so your book can be the best it can be when you publish.
Editor Types and Services
Content/Developmental Editor – A content (or developmental) editor reads through your book prior to line editing to provide the author with input about plot development, character development, story arc, and broad input on areas of focus before the manuscript goes to a line editor. A content editor can also sometimes be referred to as an alpha reader (usually when not a paid service).
What to expect from me: When I review as a content or developmental editor, you will receive two forms of feedback from me. One will be a write up from me letting you know what I both felt worked (because it's nice to hear that), and elements I feel need consideration such as plot, arc, character development, world building (if applicable). I will also provide guidance on any time of craft issues I see throughout the manuscript, such as a repeated word, incorrect grammar or punctuation usage happening consistently, etc.
I will also make note of any research issues I may find; however, I am not ultimately responsible for research errors as that is the responsibility of the author.
I do not offer sensitivity reader services.
Coupled with the write up, I will place comments, highlight areas, etc. to show specific examples of the notes I write up.
Cost: $4 per 1,000 words, rounded up to the next 1,000-word count. I do have a minimum fee of $25 for short pieces I may be reviewing. So, for instance, if your word count is less than 6,000 words the normal per word cost would be $24, but I have a $25 minimum. Anything above 6,000 words would be at the per 1,000 word rate.
Example: A 32,350-word manuscript will round to $132; a 122,578 word manuscript will be $492.
Line Editor – A line editor corrects the craft of the book, specifically spelling, punctuation, grammar, sentence structure and flow, etc.
What to expect from me: I believe the best way to reinforce a correction is to provide examples of areas for correction, and then highlight the same problem (when it is a consistent problem) throughout the manuscript for the author to correct themselves. If you have to fix it enough, you learn not to keep doing it.
Line editing does not include verification of research. This is the responsibility of the author to assure proper research is completed when writing their book.
If the correction isn't an ongoing problem (so just here and there), I will fix with track changes turned on for the author to easily see, review, and choose to accept or reject the correction.
My line editing service automatically includes a second review from me to take a look at corrections made, to assure the changes made don't create additional problems, and to help the author be sure the corrections were consistently done.
Cost: $0.01 per initial word count, rounded to the nearest 100 words. This means that if the edit process reduces the final word count, it does not reduce the initial cost. This cost includes my second review. I do have a minimum fee of $25 for short pieces I may be reviewing. So, for instance, if your word count is less than 2,000 words the normal per word cost would be $20, but I have a $25 minimum. Anything above 2,000 words would be at the per word rate.
Additional Option: My line edit review includes two full reviews. If you should like me to do subsequent reviews, it would be an additional 33% of the originally quoted price for each additional review to the two included.
Proofreader – A proofreader reads through a book after the line editing is complete to find any fine details that may have slipped through – or problems that are actually sometimes created – during line editing. Proofreaders may also find continuity and timeline issues.
What to expect from me: I will read through the book to find the typos, any grammatical or punctuation problems, continuity problems etc. and will make corrections with Track Changes turned on. It will be the responsibility of the author to either accept or reject the changes. I will not comment on character development, story arcs, etc. as those are things that should be caught by content editors and line editors. My proofreading service is a single review.
Please note: Because proofreading should stand as a final review after all edits, a sample of the first 5 pages will need to be provided before an agreement can be signed. Sometimes, the files sent for proofreading are not proofreading ready and if they aren't proofreading ready, I can't take them for that type of edit services.
Cost: $2.00 per 1,000 words rounded to the next 1,000-word count. I do have a minimum fee of $25 for short pieces I may be reviewing. So, for instance, if your word count is less than 12,000 words the normal per word cost would be $24, but I have a $25 minimum. Anything above 2,000 words would be at the per 1,000 word rate.
Ie: A 32,350-word manuscript will round to $66; a 122,578-word manuscript will be 246.00.
Book Formatting -- Not everyone has the time, nor do they want to commit time or funds for special programs, to format their manuscript. I’m glad to help with that process. To be transparent, I use the book formatting program Vellum to create the final version.
You have two options.
1. Strictly book formatting: Select this option if you’ve already had your book proofread and you’re ready to go. I will take the file you provide and format it. If I should see anything, I will absolutely let you know; however, I am not going through the file to find errors.
2. Proofreading and formatting. If your book has been edited and you need a final set of eyes to go through it and you want it formatted, I can combine this service. I will first proofread the file, then once you’ve approved it, I will format it for you.
A proofreader reads through a book after the line editing is complete to find any fine details that may have slipped through – or problems that are actually sometimes created – during line editing. Proofreaders may also find continuity and timeline issues.
See my proofread service above for a more detailed explanation of what to expect from my service.
When you agree to a formatting option, you will have the following choices.
Trim size for print editions
A choice of style template from 26 different options
Further customization of that template, including:
Paragraph justification, indentation, and line spacing
Chapter header style
First line style (drop letter, etc)
Scene break style (either a template version or you can provide a custom vector graphic)
Optional chapter header graphic (vector image provided by you)
Header and footer format choices
Additional sections such as content warnings, author bio, “other works by,” etc
Call-to-action links in electronic formats
Social media links in electronic formats
Before formatting begins, you would complete a Google Form to provide me with information about your book. You would make your style preferences there.
What you will receive from me:
First, the unofficial PDF file for review and approval to confirm flow, content, etc.
A pdf file in the trim size indicated for print formats.
A book cover flat template based on your trim size, page count, print format, and distributor for your cover artist.
ePub files acceptable at various eBook sales sites and with eBook aggregates (ie: Draft2Digital).
A guide for loading the print files to KDP and IngramSpark, and how to load to both if you own your own ISBN and want to use both for distribution.
Cost for book formatting only: $2.50 per 1,000 words rounded to the next 1,000-word count.
Example: A 74,560-word file (rounded to 75,000) to be formatted only would be $187.50.
Cost for proofreading and formatting combined: $3.37 per 1,000 words rounded to the next 1,000-word count. This is a 25% discount vs purchasing proofreading and formatting separately.
Example: A 74,560-word file (rounded to 75,000) to be formatted and proofread would be $252.75. (Purchased separately, each service would cost $150 and 187.50 respectively for a total of $337.50) * some rounding would occur
If you are interested in having multiple books formatted at once (for instance, a series) email me at Gail_Delaney@yahoo.com. I will ask for some specifics and provide a quote for multiple books at once. I would happily offer a discount when given a commitment of multiple books.
Genres I accept & have extensive experience editing:
Christian romance
Sweet/Clean romance
Sensual to spicy romance
Women's fiction
Mainstream fiction
Young Adult fiction
New Adult fiction
Any non-romance fiction in the subgenres listed.
Subgenres: Contemporary, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Suspense, Historical, Paranormal, Supernatural.
Genres I do not accept: Note: the reasons I do not take these genres are because my experience is limited, and thus I am not the best/strongest editor for your work. You should have an editor with experience in your genre.
Erotica & Erotic Romance (Spicy romance is not included in this, only strictly erotic content)D
Dark Fiction
Scripts of any type
Payment Requirements:
50% of quoted price must be received within 1 week of the anticipated beginning of edit.
50% after completion of edit.
An invoice in the form of an attachment will be sent about a week prior to the beginning of edits. That invoice will provide information to allow you to pay either by PayPal, Venmo, or CashApp. This assures you can take care of the invoice in a way you prefer. If ultimately receiving an invoice by PayPal from me to you is the way you prefer, please let me know.
Timeframe Expectations:
Because I will often have projects with some overlap (like finishing the final review while beginning first edit on another project, the following timeframes apply:
Line Edits = 4 weeks (keep in mind, line edits include 2 rounds with me)
Content Edits = 2 weeks
Proofreading = 2 weeks
Formatting = 2 weeks
Proofreading & Formatting Combined = 3 weeks
Although this is the maximum timeframe, the edits may be done sooner. Especially if your book is already self-edited very well. However, please expect the maximum timeframe when scheduling your work and keep in mind what other edits may be required if you are working toward a deadline. These timeframes are while the manuscript is with me. Meaning, for instance, if I'm a line editor I will have the book in my possession no more than 4 weeks. But if you take 3 weeks to complete updates between the 1st round and 2nd round that is not part of the 4 week span. Feel free to ask for clarification if you have questions.
What's next?
Step One: Complete the contact form below, providing information about your manuscript. If you have a strict deadline, please provide this information. Keep in mind the timeframe information above. This is not when you intend to publish or your final deadline. This date is when you need me to begin my edits, based on timeframe provided.
Step Two: I will respond with an estimated quote (final quote to be determined once I receive the document from you), and when I estimate I can begin edits based on my schedule. If my schedule will not allow me to take the project by the date you specify, I will be upfront with that information.
Step Three: If you agree with the quote and beginning date, I will send an agreement for you to sign and provide me with your email address so I can invoice you. Return the agreement and your manuscript in Word format as an attachment (or compatible, but I will be completing the edit in Word only). Note: I will not complete edits via Google Docs or a shared drive. The file must come to me as an attachment compatible with Word.
Step Four: Prior to the invoice due date, and before edits begin, I will send an invoice for 50% payment. If payment is not received, edits will not begin on schedule.
Step Five. Edits will proceed.
Step Six: Upon completing of edits, and once the document is returned to you, a second invoice will be sent via Paypal for the balance.
If adjustments or changes to scheduling should arise, or if you opt for additional edits, those will be taken care of as they arise. All additional edits (if we exceed beyond 2 rounds for line editing), payment for the additional edits must be received prior to those edits beginning.
If you would like me to do a sample edit, let me know when you complete the quote request. I would prefer you have an idea of expected cost before doing a sample edit. It streamlines the process for both of us.
Let's do this!

Esther Mitchell
Paranormal Romance, Romantic Suspense & Fantasy Romance
Gail Delaney is a superior editor! She started editing for me part-time in 2006, and by 2010, she became the only editor I trust to touch my books with any red ink. I’ve become a better writer over the years because of her. She’s the only editor I’ll ever have, for as long as she’s willing to edit my work.
John Pelkey
Coming of Age Series
I've worked with Gail for about 20 years In recent years, she has both edited and formatted books for me. Getting the format correct to match Amazon requirements takes a special talent. She does an excellent job of all three. I am happy to recommend her services to anyone who writes.

Sheryl Hames Torres
Contemporary &
Small Town Romance
Gail Delaney has been my editor through six novels and two novellas. She not only catches everything, but she takes the time to actually read the stories and gets in touch with the characters, giving herself a strong baseline into them, the stories and my style of writing. I couldn't have asked for better, and I'd gladly work with her again.
Sue Perkins
YA Fantasy &
Historical Romance
Gail has edited a lot of my manuscripts and I’ve always found her professional and easy to talk to regarding any problems I might have. I tend to think of Gail as the person tightening the bootlaces to straighten out the tangles and tie up any loose ends to make the finished result a polished and professional book.

LeTisha Stanton
Western Historical with Romance Elements
First of all, I would like people to understand the type of commitment Gail made to me and my writing. I never once submitted a book under 400 pages and she took them on without batting a lash. And I will be the first to tell you that although I have some astounding book ideas, my skills as an editor have never been strong. She not only edited my books, but gave me tips that have left me far better at self editing. I could not have asked for a better editor, and anyone would be blessed to have her.

Charlotte J. Parker
Romantic Suspense with Paranormal Elements
Thorough, efficient editing. Good eye for detail, time-line, grammar, and punctuation. I'll use her for any book I write in the future.

Sherry Fowler Chancellor
w/a Jillian Chantal
Historical & Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
Gail Delaney is a through and excellent editor, both in content edits as well as proofreading. She's the full package and is courteous and helpful in her approach to the editing process. I've been privileged to work with her on a number of projects under two names. She has been equally at home with mystery elements, historical works, and contemporary romances, I highly recommend her.